Singapore Institute of Architects Journal in the ’80s

Singapore Architect has been published by the Singapore Institute of Architects since the 1960s and is one of the oldest architecture magazine in the region. It used to be called the SIAJ or Singapore Institute Architects Journal.

I flipped through its old issues a while back and was very captivated by the magazine’s covers. I decided to look through the archives in detail again, and here are even more gems that I discovered. These were the covers of magazines published between 1979-1981

I’m really curious who did these covers! Sounds like a story to chase.

After this phase of graphic covers, the magazine switched to photography on its covers, presumably because the technology allowed it to. It was only in 2008, when Kelley Cheng took over the magazine, did it start using graphic covers all over again. But, while the current graphic covers are a stylistic choice, I think these in the past were so because technology only offered these options!


  1. j u s t i n . z says:

    National Library @ Bugis, it’s a treasure trove! These were found on Level 8, lots more to be discovered!

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