Tag: Office Design

Rethinking the City from Home

How can a city adapt towards a more flexible way of living and working? Columnist Justin Zhuang reflects on his own work-from-home experience and shares his observations.

When I first began working from home a decade ago, most of my friends were amazed it actually worked. Or that I actually did work. Fast forward to 2020, and it has become a reality for most. The pandemic has changed how traditional office are used and led many to turn their homes into workspaces. What was meant to be temporary is becoming a new normal as companies rethink their setup to support working from home.

➜ Read the full column in CUBES #101 — Make It Work

Productivity for Life?

Plush interiors, colourful spaces for breakout meetings, and even pods for sleeping on the job — what would Frederick Winslow Taylor say about office design today? Tay lor was the founder of scientific management who revolutionised the design of work environments over a century ago by demonstrating how carefully engineered processes could increase labour productivity.

➜ Read the full column in CUBES #89 (December/January 2017)