‘Wellness is Everywhere Now. Is it Healthy?

The saying goes that ‘health is wealth’, but today it may be more appropriate to say ‘wellness is wealth’. According to the Global Wellness Institute — an industry-funded non-profit foundation — there is a US$3.7 trillion wellness industry that spans from beauty products to organic food and workplace design. There is a growing awareness of the need to maintain a lifestyle that will help you become healthy and stay that.

Design is increasingly seen as part of the solution to help people be proactive about their health. After all, it’s one thing to urge people to make healthier choices such as eating brown rice instead of white rice or walking 10,000 steps a day. It is ultimately more effective to create the conditions that will enable and encourage such ‘healthier’ behaviour.

➜ Read the full column in CUBES #93 (Oct/Nov/Dec 2018)

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